Since most of my (very narrow) commentary on Obama v. HRC has been in defense of HRC, I just want to make it clear I think the Democrats are running two spectacular candidates. My preference is for HRC over Obama, but only marginally.
The reason I've spent all my time defending HRC is because of what has struck me as a peculiar anti-HRC bias in the liberal blogosphere (or the small proportion of it I read). The kinds of claims I see emanating from this quarter strike me as downright otherworldly.* Politics is and has always been an ugly business. As von Bismarck observed, the routines of the Wursterei aren't for everyone. And sausage-making's got nothin' on political campaigning.**
* For example, the claim that Hillary's panderly promise to lift a
gas tax to gain votes in an election is somehow akin, say, to an incumbent's denial
of anthropogenic global warming as a matter of policy (and that contra popular sentiment) -- a claim almost as ludicrous as the idea that tolling a gas tax will save consumers money at the pump.
**On this score, note that even St. Obama knew when to throw his beloved pastor Wright under the bus. Yes, in Round 1 Obama did make a valiant attempt to preserve his relationship with Wright while unequivocally distancing himself from Wright's most objectionable remarks. And that attempt testified to Obama's fundamental decency as a person. But whether on balance it testified to his ability as a political candidate... In any case, eventually Obama did what he had to do to preserve his political viability. Alas, such was his duty qua presidential candidate.
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