P.Z. stirs me out of my bloggerly dormancy with a viral challenge to name
An interesting animal I had;
An interesting animal I ate;
An interesting animal in the Museum;
An interesting thing I did with or to an animal; and
An interesting animal in its natural habitat
and then infect nine other hosts with the meme. This is a suitably frivolous exercise, so looks like I've little choice but to succumb to this animal madness:
An interesting animal I had. A Bajan vervet monkey. His name was Togo. We'd met him down at the local beach bar, Sparky's Joint (itself a watering hole frequented by many other forms most interesting). My folks offered Togo's owner one of our Doberman pups in exchange. Togo turned out to be a handful. He was by turns aggressive and, well...overly amorous. (Ever heard Richard Pryor's bit about his pet monkey who had an unnatural attraction to the external acoustic meatus? Let's just say I find his account ear-ticklingly plausible.)
An interesting animal I ate. Rattlesnake cooked on an open fire. Tasted like...rattlesnake.
An interesting animal in the Museum. At a museum? The only animals I've ever seen at a museum were taxidermied. And the less interesting for it. (Then again, there was Picasso's Goat at MoMA. Does that count?)
An interesting thing I did with or to an animal. When I was seven I shook forelimbs with Orky (or maybe it was Corky) at (now defunct) Marineland. Also, patted his (or her) tongue. Wow. Second place: Swimming amidst a vast bloom of small jellyfish in the Caribbean Sea. They stung, to be sure, but the pain was mild, and I wasn't about to give up viewing this extraordinary spectacle.
An interesting animal in its natural habitat. I've encountered barracuda a couple of times while snorkling. They rarely attack humans, but man they are some creepy looking fish. Second place: Vervet monkeys. Yes, the forest around our house was swarming with them. They are not highly domesticable. Togo didn't much care for his wild brethren, either.
And now I choose nine prospective victims...
Ideas of Imperfection
A Chequer-Board of Days & Nights
Grasping Reality with Both Hands
The Buck Stops Here
Varieties of Unreligious Experience
wo's weblog
The First Element
de crapulas edormiendo
...but suspect they will show a healthier resistance to this sort of thing than I do.
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